Volunteer for an Evening Bingo

Sign up to Volunteer for our Upcoming Bingos

Virtual Bingos:

Virtual Bingos:

In-person Bingos:

Sunday, June 18 (Afternoon)

To Volunteer:

Call 403-327-2911 or email Dave@inclusionlethbridge.ca

Sunday, July 9 (Evening)

To Volunteer:

Call 403-327-2911 or email Dave@inclusionlethbridge.ca

Sunday, Aug. 6 (Afternoon)

To Volunteer:

Call 403-327-2911 or email Dave@inclusionlethbridge.ca

Covid Safety Measures

All Covid Physically Distances Safety Measures Followed

Help Raise Money

Bingos generate a significant amount of funds each year for Inclusion Lethbridge

Can't volunteer?

Consider playing!

If you're 18+, consider playing Bingo virtually and support 30+ local charities

Inclusion Lethbridge. Made with love in 527 6th Street, Lethbridge, AB.

Have any questions?

Visit us!

Open Mon - Fri

Inclusion Lethbridge. Made with love in 527 6th Street, Lethbridge, AB.

Have any questions?

Visit us!

Open Mon - Fri