The Beyond Graduation Project
Transition Planning for youth on their journey to adulthood
Finishing high school usually marks the end of one stage of life and the beginning of another.
Thanks to the generosity of the United Way, Inclusion Lethbridge is expanding the Beyond Graduation Workshop to a yearlong program. We're breaking down the daylong workshop into three shorter workshops to be offered in November, February, and June. We will also incorporate a peer-mentorship portion, where youth and their families going through the transitioning process are able to get support from those who have already gone through this experience.
The transition planning workshop series and peer family mentorship program is where youth with disabilities and their families can explore future plans and ideas for ensuring a good life.
This program is for individuals with disabilities who have already finished school or will be graduating, and for their families and loved ones who are planning what is next.
Workshop #3: Securing the Future - Saturday, April, 2022 from 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Inclusion Lethbridge. Made with love in 527 6th Street, Lethbridge, AB.