Inclusion Lethbridge is seeking new faces for its Board of Directors!

The Board of Directors is proud of Inclusion Lethbridge’s impact in the lives of people living with developmental disabilities and their families. The Board is looking to welcome new directors who live and/or work within the area served by Inclusion Lethbridge. If you are passionate, and love to see positive changes where you live, read on!

About Inclusion Lethbridge

Inclusion Lethbridge is a values-based organization, and we count on our board and members to ensure our fidelity to those values.

  • ·Every person has an important contribution to make to others and the community. (No disability precludes full citizenship).
  • ·That contribution is made through authentic enduring relationships with others.
  • ·Authentic relationships and real contribution are made along an inclusive pathway to a "Good Life".
  • ·Families are the best ones to plan and guide this "Good Life".
  • ·Our important work should not be dependent on Government funding.

If you embrace, embody, or exude these values you will be a good fit for our organization.

Board Duties & Responisbilities

Inclusion Lethbridge Board Directors are dedicated and skilled in their work and provide clear and consistent leadership. The Board assumes both a mandatory role, based on legal requirements of boards of directors, and a chosen role, based on the board model it has elected for itself.

The board's chosen role includes:

  • Governance: Developing policies that support Inclusion Lethbridge’s mission.
  • Fundraising: Provides leadership and support to foster new connections for Inclusion Lethbridge and supports the top-of-mind awareness and fundraising activities of Inclusion Lethbridge in the community.
  • Accountability: Acting and making decisions to ensure that resources are available for Inclusion Lethbridge to accomplish its work.
  • Hiring and Performance Management of the Executive Director: The day-to-day operations of Inclusion Lethbridge are the responsibility of the Executive Director, who reports to the Board of Directors.
Inclusion LethbridgeBoard of Directors put forth their best efforts to:
  • Attend and participate in board meetings, and special events.
  • Actively participate in donor acquisition and fund development.
  • Strive to keep abreast of trends, issues and developments that may affect the organization and the community.
  • Stay informed about what is going on within the organization, ask questions, and request information when needed.
  • Publicly represent the organization in a positive, supportive manner.
  • Bring a sense of humour and active listening in meetings, and open-mindedly consider the opinions and concerns of others.
Time Commitment
  • The Board of Directors meets once per month for 1-2 hours.
  • Volunteer support or board member attendance is occasionally requested for special events or projects
  • Additional time requirements vary depending on the time of year.
How to Apply

Please express your interest by emailing your cover letter, resume and references to

Inclusion Lethbridge. Made with love in 527 6th Street, Lethbridge, AB.

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Open Mon - Fri